Using Radical Feminism to Survive & Thrive Under Patriarchy
Welcome to XX Revolt
This site is a resource to help cope with common struggles of living in a female body using Radical Feminism, from the nightmarish landscape of heterosexual dating to advice on how to manage feelings of gloom and hopelessness common to women and girls dealing with misogyny everywhere, every day.
Need advice, looking for feminist youtubers, or want to read some free feminist literature? You'll find it all here.
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MARCH 2023 / WEEK 1
Mobile Version
Very excited to feature this new (amazing) ezine from the radical feminists over at tumblr - RadFemZine!
Very remisniscent of the 90's-era Riot Grrrl paper zines, it has fantastic essays and artwork from a variety of contributors. This month's issue features an excellent article debunking the myth of radical feminists as 'fascists'.
Stay tuned for new monthly issues!
Read on Issuu.com
Crimson Wave (2014)
Watch on Youtube
Tacocat (formed in 2007) is an American punk band. Inspired by the Riot Grrrl movement of the 90s, their songs explore feminist topics with a quirky sense of humor and bouncing melodies.
Visit their official website
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Feminist & MacArthur Winner
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (born 1977) is Nigerian-born author and recipient of the MacArthur Grant for her writing. Her stories, which have received wide acclaim and multiple awards, focus on the Biafran war in Nigeria in the 1960s and its impact on individual lives across different classes.
Adichie has been repeatedly accused of transphobia, both for her views of gender and for fense of J.K. Rowling and Rowling's controversial essay addressing women's need for sex-based rights and spaces. Adichie responded with the 2021 essay It Is Obscene, criticizing cancel culture.
Read selected works for free on Short-Stories.co
Vist her official website
How to Create a Mutual Aid Network
We know patriarchy traps women by trying to force us (by restrictive laws or by socialization) to be dependent on men. Women often stay in violent relationships or get trapped in sexually-exploitative work because they have nowhere to turn.
But no one knows better than radical feminists that women can only depend on women. By creating grassroots mutual aid networks, women (and girls) can help one another emotionally and with physical real-world resources that can save lives.
Read a guide on AFSC.org
Germaine Greer
Germaine Greer (born 1939) is an Australian academic, polymath, and author. She is considered one of the most prominent radical feminists of the 20th century. Her book The Female Eunuch, an examination of suburban nuclear-family culture and how it represses female sexuality, is an international bestseller and one of the most-read works of feminist literature ever written.
She has written prolifically on feminism and related topics over the years, covering the subjects of female sexuality, rape, menopause, sex/gender distinction, and the struggles of the indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia.
Read The Female Eunuch for free on
We should all be feminists (2014)
TedTalk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Award-winning author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses feminism, growing up in Nigeria, and the impact of gender on our identity.
Watch on Youtube
The Abuse of Disabled Women Often Goes Unseen
The rights and needs of disabled women are often treated as a "niche" interest, despite disability existing within every demographic, and having the potential to become a reality for any able-bodied woman. Because of this, the increased vulnerability of women with disabilities, especially due to their sex, is invisible to most people.
Women with disabilities are statistically more likely to experience domestic violence and poverty, and are less likely to leave or have the means to do so.
Read on 4W
Not a Choice, Not a Job : Exposing the Myths About Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade
Janice Raymond's 2013 book Not a Choice, Not a Job examines the normalcy of the sex-trade and the existence of a thriving international sex-trafficking industry that is largely invisible to the public eye. It questions the mantra "sex work is work", examines how the legalization of prostitution in many countries has endangered women, as well as the approach of the Nordic Model (which prosecutes pimps, brothels, and sex-purchasers) and its success in other countries.
Borrow for free on Archive.org
Tran Nguyen
Tran Nguyen is a mixed-media artist born in Vietnam, currently residing in the U.S. Her works, including large building-side murals, combine soft portraits with bold geometric shapes and colors to create unique and beautiful images.
Visit her official website
Elizabeth Fee - Feminist, Scientist, Historian, AIDs Activist
Elizabeth Fee (1946 - 2018) was an Irish academic and feminist. She is best known for her work documenting and analyzing the history of HIV/AIDS in the 80s, which included raising public awareness. She has written over thirty books and hundreds of articles on a wide diversity of topics - from syphilis to toothbrushes to bioterrorism.
She worked in the femininist movement of the 1990s and cofounded multiple organizations that aimed to help bring increased focus to race, class, sex, and social justice within academia. Early in her career, she authored a number of articles bringing attention to disparities of research and care for women in medicine.
Read her essays or read her biography on the National Library of Medicine.
Weekly Ezine
Women's liberation news, artists, memes, site updates, & more
Self-Care & Health
Caring for yourself outside while breaking out of the male gaze
Mental Wellness
Coping with the mental impact of being female under patriarchy
Dating, Sex, & Relationships
Navigating intimacy and love with the less-civilized sex
Gaining Power
Forget 'empowerment'. What is real power, and where does it come from?
Male Allies
How males can resist patriarchy, be allies to women, and detox from MRA/incel ideology
Repository of original feminism-related memes
Collection of quotes about oppression, liberation, race, and more.
Myths & FAQ
Misconceptions and frequently asked questions about Gender Critical & Radical Feminism
Links & Resources
Radical Feminist websites, news, and other helpful links
Sign it and say hi! Feel free to give thoughts and suggestions
Feb.26.2023 -
Rearranged the zine a little and I'm now including a weekly featured feminist website and essay.
Feb.19.2023 -
Happy (belated) Black History month to everyone! I hope every black woman and girl is out there celebrating themselves by putting themselves FIRST!
Feb.11.2023 -
XX Revolt has had over 11,000 unique visitors in just 3 months!
This website is guide by a Radical Feminist for any girl or woman looking for help & advice, and anyone looking for information & resources on Radical Feminism.
The weekly Ezine features a positive change of pace - no doom, no sensationalist clickbait, and no hate-fuel. Instead, every week you'll find new amazing women: activists, artists, history makers, and women fighting the good fight against patriarchy. You'll also find free everything! Ebooks, videos, music, and essays, all produced by women.
Email: xxrevolt@gmx.com
Created in 2020